BCGI is committed to providing quality teaching, professional education opportunities to students from a wide variety of backgrounds. The Institute aims to ensure that its recruitment, selection and admissions processes are transparent and focused towards their intended purpose.

The institute embarks on two intakes per year i.e. January/February intake, and the Mid-Year intake.


Entry Requirements

(a) Diploma Level Progarmmes

The institute shall maintain a core set of entry requirements for prospective students as follows:

  • 3 Credits in relevance with course applied for.
  • Mature applicants with working experience plus supporting recommendation letter from employer.
  • Certificate holder(s) on relevant programme(s).

THREE (3) YEAR Professional Structured Level Undergraduate Programmes

(b) Advanced Diploma Level

  • Holders of Diploma qualification or equivalent qualification.

(c) Higher Diploma Level

  • Holders of Advanced Diploma or equivalent qualification.

(d) Graduate Diploma Level

  • Holders of Higher Diploma or equivalent qualification.

The Institute shall provide the programmes that have been published in the prospectus. However, if there is any significant change to the programme between the time at which an offer is made and the time at which registration is complete, the Institute shall inform relevant applicants and stakeholders promptly and advise them on the options available.

Selection and Admission Procedure

BCGI shall ensure that applicants are aware of their responsibility to provide full and accurate information as part of the selection and admission process.

Prospective students shall undergo a screening process based on the presented qualification documents for the course applied for.

The institute shall conduct one-on-one discussion sessions with prospective students to enlighten them on their choice of programme and its relevance to the prospective student.

The institute shall attempt to address all uncertainty issues raised by the prospective student(s) and clear all questions raised before admitting the student.

The institute shall brief the prospective student on possible career opportunities that come along with a qualification obtained from the prospective student’s choice of study.

The institute shall enlighten the prospective student on the progression path of the selected programme of study.

The institute shall ensure that successful applicants pay the required registration fee in order to be admitted into a programme.

The administration office shall record the details of the successful applicant in the admissions register/book for the current enrolment period.

The student shall be required to pay a deposit fee in order to be considered as a registered student of the institute.

After payment of the deposit fee, the student shall complete a registration form, and attach copies of ID, qualification documents plus two passport size photos.

The institute shall advise the registered student(s) on the dates of orientation and familiarization of the institute.

All selected students for admission shall undergo an induction/orientation prior to commencement of classes. No student shall be allowed to attend classes without undergoing induction/orientation.

The Institute shall have two intakes per year i.e. January/February intake and
Mid –Year intake for Diploma programmes.

All Three (3) Year Professional Structured Level Undergraduate Programmes i.e. Advanced Diploma, Higher Diploma, and Graduate Diploma shall have only one intake per year, Mid-Year. Students will be considered for enrolment upon providing proof of having passed the previous Diploma level external examination or an equivalent, recognised Diploma.

BCGI shall be committed to providing clear, consistent, and understandable information about entry requirements for each diploma level.

Failure to Register as a Student?

Selected students that fail to pay the deposit fee to complete the registration process automatically seize to be considered as registered students.

The Prospectus

BCGI’s prospectus clearly states:

  • the entry requirements for each course,
  • course expectations in terms of the listed structured core modules of respective programmes,
  • course duration,
  • progression levels for each course.

Student Progression and Support

BCGI monitors student progress based on their academic achievement and performance.

Rules for Students’ Progression from One Year level to another

Students are required to pass all units in the previous level before moving to the next level. For one to be considered having passed should obtain at least 50% in each unit. There is no automatic progression to the next level.

The Institution Identifies At-Risk Students

The institution identifies students who have challenges economically and make means to help them depending on the affordability of the institute with regard to tuition. However the students are expected to find other source(s) for examination fees.

Adequate Student Support Service

The institute has remedial classes for slow learners and in case of students with psychological problems the institute is willing to arrange for the services of a psychologist to help them.